contributing photographers of BRUMMM photo platform

Gary Margerum

Gary first picked up a camera while surfing/travelling and would document the landscape and people of his surrounding…

Vincent Prat

Vincent Prat is living in Toulouse, France, and is a member of Southsiders MC, who are organizing influential…

Raffaele Paolucci

Raffaele was born in Padova in 1960, now lives in Venice and is working as art director for photography studios focused on interiors and furniture for …

Alberto García-Alix

Alberto García-Alix lives in Madrid, Spain. His work has been honoured by several international photography awards. Motorcycles have…

Christian Eusterhus

Born in Herzebrock, Germany, Christian Eusterhus graduated as typesetter and studied photography at the University of Applied Sciences…

Hermann Köpf

Grown up in a Bavarian village where annual hillclimb races started his two-wheeled passion, Hermann had his first ride…

Polo Garat

Polo was born in Soule, the most eastern region of the French Basque Country. His eye reflects the openness of a world traveller …


BRUMMM is a printed platform for unique motorious photography.
212 pages, 24 x 30cm, bi-lingual in english and german.

If you have feedback to our book or an interesting photo story you would like to publish in BRUMMM, please let us know.

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